736632._SX1280_QL80_TTD_Guardians of the Galaxy #2

Marvel Comics

Written by Donny Cates

Art by Geoff Shaw

Colors by Marte Gracia

Letters by Cory Petit

Thanos is still dead, but the hunt for who will replace him will drive heroes from across the galaxy to desperate measures.

Peter Quill is dealing with the fallout of rescuing the newest members of his team from a black hole.


Not only do they not get along, but Peter’s own issues with being killed by Gamora are causing him to lash out and act out of character. It’s a pretty dramatic problem that everyone, including Kitty Pryde is noticing. As he tries to keep Groot and Cosmic Ghost Rider from killing each other, he gives up and tells anyone that wants to leave that they can.

Starfox gathers the surviving heroes aboard a Shi’ar ship and decides to form his own Dark Guardians of the Galaxy to hunt down the one person he thinks will become the next Thanos, Gamora. In order to get the location of the missing woman, Starfox is going to bring in someone close to Gamora. A familiar face who knows just where to look.

At the same time, the Black Order has decided to visit the Collector to get answers on where Thanos’ head is. Although he claims to not know anything, a visit from Hela changes his mind quickly.

Donny Cates is creating an amazing story with this series. Peter is becoming a more complex and interesting character. I love the fact that he is introducing characters like Cosmic Ghost Rider into the mix and that everyone has their own motives for wanting to end the threat of Thanos. It’s a testament to both the writing and the character that the seemingly dead Titan still has an active presence throughout this series.

Geoff Shaw’s art is great. There are some great panels with great art throughout.

Guardians of the Galaxy #2




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