Green Lantern #7
DC Comics
Written by Jeremy Adams
Art by Amancay Nehuelpan
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr
Letters by Dave Sharpe
The Rundown: The United Planets rule the Corps and they need Hal for a special mission with a dangerous enemy.

In the recent past, Hal and the remaining Lanterns find themselves on Oa waiting for a delegation from the United Planets. After they arrive, Hal and the other humans receive some disturbing news about Earth and the United Planets’ quarantine of the entire sector. A move that will make the Lanterns question their desire to stay.
To make matters worse, Hal and Killowog are assigned guard duty to the United Planets representative seeking an alliance with Sinestro himself A move that will lead to death.
The Story: Adams does a great job of bringing the reader back to the moments before Hal returned to Earth. I liked seeing the story take this dark direction that give more context to what is happening to the Green Lantern corps as well as what happened with Killowog. An entertaining and tense story that makes me excited to see what happens next.
The Art: Nahuelpan delivers some beautifully detailed and visually immersive art throughout the issue. The visual style lends itself perfectly to the otherworldly action and adventure of Green Lantern.