Green Lantern #11
DC Comics
Written by Jeremy Adams
Art by Xermanico and Amancay Nahuelpan
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr
Letters by Dave Sharpe
The Rundown: Carol makes a life changing decision while Hal confronts the leader of the United Planets.

Carol returns home not knowing the fate of the Lanterns throughout the galaxy and decides to impulsively travel to Vegas to marry her fiancé. A trip that will force her to think about her time with Hal and her feelings for him before being confronted by a couple of difficult choices.
At the same time, Hal finds himself confronting Tarros and the rest of the council with the evidence of Tarros leading assaults against the power batteries on rival worlds in order to disrupt them and seize control. Unfortunately, he and the other Lanterns will discover that there is something bigger at play with the council itself.
The Story: Adams delivers a fantastic story full of action and thrills. I really enjoyed the contrasting stories between Hal and Carol as well as the glimpse into their shared past. What makes the side story work is teased in the beginning of the issue and pays off at the end. The confrontations with Tarros is handled brilliantly and the twist in that part of the story was a great surprise.
The Art: Xermanico and Nauelpan deliver fantastic art throughout the issue. Both parts of the story are beautifully detailed and filled with great visual moments and emotion.