Green Lantern #10
DC Comics
Written by Jeremy Adams
Art by Xermanico and Amancay Nahuelpan
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr
Letters by Dave Sharpe
The Rundown: Hal discovers the dark reality of the new Lantern Corps and makes a dangerous gambit to rescue a friend.

Hal finds himself with Jo as the pair run to escape from the Lantern corps chasing them on Oa. Jo takes him down to the underground base of the resistance and he finds other Lanterns as well as discovers who is working for the resistance among the United Planets.
When Simon tells them how he escaped the science cells, the three of them head to the prison and discover someone Hal is desperate to rescue. Someone the United Planets is experimenting on in hopes of unlocking a dangerous power.
The Story: Adams ramps up the tension throughout the story and showcases Hal as both a hero and a maverick among his fellow lanterns. I like seeing the character discover the dark truth as well as how he continues to struggle with being a member of a team as he jumps into danger without thinking.
The Art: Both artists deliver some great art throughout the issue. The visuals are thrilling and beautifully detailed.
1 Comment
Allen Francis
April 9, 2024 - 7:54 pmOne of the best DC comics out there now.