Green Arrow #4
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Sean Izaakse
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr
Letters by Troy Peteri
The Rundown: Oliver takes on Hal Jordan as his family continues to hunt for answers.

Oliver thinks back on the rough friendship he developed with Hal Jordan as he is confronted with a Hal from the future who claims to be the one that created Oliver’s current time hopping circumstances. At the same time and in another one, Lian attempt to get help finding her family from the Legion of Super Heroes.
In the present, Roy and Dinah take a dangerous trip to find a reluctant ally and Oliver exposes the truth about Hal and winds up somewhere dangerous.
The Story: Williamson crafts an entertaining story in this issue and fills it with great character moments and action. I love the history of the dynamic between Hal and Oliver and how that dynamic changes and evolves. I love how Oliver manipulates the situation as well as Parallax throughout the issue and the B story with Dinah and Roy is great as well.
The Art: Izaakse delivers great action throughout the issue. The imagery is beautifully detailed and I love the final page of the issue.