Giant-Size Daredevil #1

Marvel Comics

Written by Saladin Ahmed

Art by Paul Davidson

Colors by Matt Hollingsworth

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: Kingpin returns to Hell’s Kitchen to force a confrontation with Daredevil.

Criminals throughout Hell’s Kitchen are running in fear, but it isn’t from the Man Without Fear. Kingpin returns to rebuild his empire and he does it with violent intent. Intent that is being used as a means of drawing out Daredevil.

As Daredevil hunts down Kingpin through his victims, the Kingpin of crime continues to leave a bloody trail throughout the city to draw out the object of his hatred. An object whose destruction has allowed a devil to take him over.

The Story: Ahmed crafts an intense and wonderfully brutal story in this issue. The suspense is palpable and brilliantly done. The plot has wonderful threads throughout and an ominous tone that kept me engaged through every moment. I loved the narration and how it delves into the conflict between Kingpin and Daredevil and the respect Fisk has for his enemy. The story does a brilliant buildup to a confrontation I am excited to see.

The Art: Davidson delivers beautifully brutal art throughout the issue. The imagery is brilliantly detailed and delivers on the dark and brutal tone of the story.

Giant-Size Daredevil #1



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