Megastar George Clooney is looking to take another step into the world of science fiction with a unique new project for Legendary.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Legendary is looking to revive the science fiction pulp hero Buck Rogers in multiple new projects. Clooney is already attached to executive produce a new Buck Rogers limited series written by Brian K Vaughn and Legendary is hoping to branch the series off into a film and anime series based on its success.
Clooney and his partner Grant Heslov are joining Flint Dille, the grandson of Buck Rogers publisher John F Dille.

Buck Rogers was originally published in 1928 by Phillip Francis Nowlan. His story has changed over the years with most modern iterations, including the 70’s television series, changed the character from a coal miner to an astronaut whose deep space mission results in an accident that freezes him for centuries until he emerges in the future.
Besides executive producing the series, Clooney is also being rumored to star in the series as the title character.