Gatchaman #3

Mad Cave Studios

Written by Cullen Bunn

Art by Chris Batista

Colors by Carlos Lopez

Letters by Buddy Beaudoin

The Rundown: Jun goes undercover as the science team tries to find the missing scientists.

After taking down an operative of Galactor, Jun takes her place to deliver the kidnapped scientist and infiltrate their hidden base to find the others. With the rest of the Science Ninja team tracking her, they make their way to the base where her disguise quickly fails.

With their teammate in trouble, the team races to rescue her. Unfortunately, her enemies contact Katse and he begins a plan to distract the team. A distraction that will force the team to make a desperate and dangerous choice.

The Story: Bunn crafts a thrilling adventure in this issue. The story has a fun, action filled energy that is exciting to read. It makes me blissfully nostalgic for the animated series. Bunn is crafting a fantastic world in this series and the characters are wonderfully complex and engaging. I also really enjoy the conflict being nurtured in the series with the other teams and cannot wait to see what happens with them.

The Art: Batista delivers beautifully stylish and brilliantly detailed art throughout the issue. The visuals capture the fun, thrilling and vibrant energy of the story.

Gatchaman #3



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