Gargoyles #11
Dynamite Entertainment
Written by Greg Weisman
Art by George Kambadais
Colors by George Kambadais
Letters by Jeff Eckleberry
The Rundown: Nashville goes on a rescue mission while Goliath visits an old friend.

Nashville continues to see the rift forming between his father Brooklyn and his rookery brothers. So when the opportunity comes for them to help rescue the children of two crime bosses, he joins the trio on their mission and finds himself in the middle of a massive fight with both criminals and killer robots.
At the same time, Goliath finds himself at the bed of a dying Halcyon Renard. Alongside his ex and his child, Renard tells them what will happen after his death and tells Goliath something that could change everything for the gargoyle. Elisa finds herself dealing with the aftermath of her confession in a tense meeting with her captain.
The Story: Weisman continues to craft a thoroughly enjoyable and thrilling return to this world and these characters. I love seeing the characters dealing with the consequences of their actions and how those action shape and evolve their stories and the drama within them. The story does an excellent job of moving the characters forward and teasing the reader about events and moments to come. I can’t wait for the next adventure.
The Art: Kambadais does a fantastic job of visually making every moment from intense action to character contemplation compelling to the reader. A fantastic looking issue from start to finish.