G.O.D.S. #5
Marvel Comics
Written by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Valerio Schiti
Colors by Marte Gracia
Letters by Travis Lanham
The Rundown: Wyn enlists the help of Mia to rescue a friend.

In the city there is a small clinic where men are brought and questioned before being handed over to a magical creature. Wyn decides to visit Mia at her new home and enlists her help on a mission for the Powers that Be.
After arriving at the clinic, Mia discovers why she has been chosen for this mission and proceeds to speak to those in charge to bargain for the life of someone connected to Wyn from creatures with a dark and unknown purpose.
The Story: Hickman continues to create a new and interesting world in this series and I love the characters and their immersive and engaging world. I love the hidden nature of the world of this series and the characters continue to create interesting drama while creating a story that keeps me intrigued and interested.
The Art: Schiti delivers beautiful art on every page of the issue. I love the visual style of this issue and how brilliantly detailed every panel is.