G.O.D.S. #1
Marvel Comics
Written by Jonahtan Hickman
Art by Valerio Schiti
Colors by Marte Gracia
Letters by Travis Lanham
The Rundown: A centuries old Avatar navigates his sticky personal life and universe ending magical threats.

A young woman named Aiko sits at a local bar waiting for her husband to arrive and dreading the conversation they will have to have. At that same moment, her husband Wyn enters a party to exorcise a demon in his role as the Avatar of The-Powers-That-Be. When they meet and she reveals what she knows about him, their discussion takes a violent turn.
Ten years later, Wyn is summoned by Doctor Strange to meet with others, including his now ex-wife, to stop a powerful evil that can change the world. As the others rush off to fight, Wyn has his own plans. Plans that require different, more subtle tactics.
The Story: Hickman crafts an engaging and thoroughly entertaining story in this first issue. I love the new characters being introduced and the complexity of their relationships not only with each other, but the current characters of the Marvel universe. The interactions between Wyn and others are great and I really enjoy the character’s personality. The story has some great moments throughout and sets up new conflicts that intrigue me. Hickman crafts a clever, engaging world in this story that I want to revisit.
The Art: I love Schiti’s artistic style a lot and it is on full, glorious display throughout this first issue. The lively panels filled with great action and gorgeous characters drew my eye with every page.