Future State Dark Detective #1
DC Comics
Written by Mariko Tamaki and Matthew Rosenberg
Art by Dan Mora and Carmine Di Giandomenico
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Aditya Bidikar and Andworld Design
The Rundown: With both Batman and Bruce Wayne declared dead, who is the dark figure stalking the night streets of Gotham?
The forces of the Magistrate have cornered Bruce Wayne and shot him. Bleeding, he flees for his life and finds help. With the last of his fortune, he pays for his wounds to be treated and returns to the streets of a Gotham he doesn’t recognize alone, homeless and broke. With the news of both Batman and Bruce Wayne being declared dead, Bruce has to determine who and what he is now in a city that has declared him an enemy to be killed on site.

With no resources to call on, an injured Bruce Wayne must discover who he is now that he isn’t the Dark Knight. Unfortunately, there is still crime in the city and he still has the skills necessary to fight it. But the forces of the Magistrate might be too much for him to take on alone and they have eyes everywhere.
Elsewhere in the city, Grifter has his cover blown and finds himself in the custody of the Magistrate with Luke Fox. After offering him some cash to help him get out of Gotham, Grifter and Luke find themselves on the run through the narrows and coming face to face with the person who might be able to help them. If she doesn’t kill them both first.
The Story: Both Tamaki and Rosenberg paint vivid and dark portraits of Gotham City and its new regime. Tamaki does a great job of crafting a Bruce Wayne who is haunted by what he sees, but still determined to do something despite his limitations. Rosenberg creates a great chase story full of action, adventure and humor. Both stories are highly engaging, great reads that begin stories that I am interested in seeing unfold.
The Art: Both Dan Mora and Carmine Di Giandomenico have unique styles that are perfect for the stories they are telling. Mora’s art has a great intensity to it that matches the dark tone of the story. Di Giandomenico brings energy and intensity to the art in the Grifter story because of its fast pace and action.