Flashpoint Beyond #3
DC Comics
Written by Geoff Johns, Jeremy Adams and Tim Sheridan
Art by Xermanico and Mikel Janin
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr and Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Rob Leigh
The Rundown: Kal El’s mission to Earth will require Thomas Wayne to intervene and stop it.

The eminent destruction of Krypton prompts Jor-El to send his son away in order to save his life. Unfortunately, in this universe, he didn’t travel alone and his arrival on Earth will cause destruction that is incalculable. Years later, he returns to enlist Thomas Wayne’s help for something that will effect every life on the planet. At the same time, Thawne reappears frightened and fleeing for his life.
After Kal-El confronts Thomas about what is to come, he takes him to Poison Ivy and the two of them show him what the world is facing. With time in his own mission running out, Thomas declines to help, but a new inmate hearing voices and the discovery of a costumed murder victim might make it difficult for Thomas to sit on the sidelines much longer.
The Story: The concept of this story continues to be interesting and I like how the mystery within it is growing and evolving. While I still struggle to find the characters compelling and engaging beyond their connection to the original Flashpoint storyline, I like the sense of unknown the story offers. It has the potential to go to some dark, different and unique places and I am willing to see if it does.
The Art: Xermanico and Janin craft some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. The character designs are great and the panels are filled with great moments that focus on the characters themselves.