Feral #8
Image Comics
Written by Tony Fleecs
Art by Trish Forstner and Tone Rodriguez
Colors by Brad Simpson
Letters by Sara Richard
The Rundown: Elsie has found Lord, but there is still trouble in their new sanctuary.

After being taken in by a strange woman, Elsie, Gigi and the kittens discover a house full of cats along with Lord who seems to not only be fine, but thriving in the strange environment. As Elsie tries to apologize to him, he seems un-phased by anything and Elsie and Gigi believe there is something very wrong in this house besides the unusual amount of cats and how they seem to eat and go wherever they want.
As Elsie tries to find somewhere to hide and stay out of the way, she finds that cats never leave even after they die. As she tries to free some cats locked in another room, she finds something that puts everyone at risk.
The Story: Fleecs delivers a thrilling, suspenseful story in this issue. There is a wonderful buildup of tension throughout the story as Elsie discovers more and more about the supposed sanctuary that they have discovered. I loved the horror movie tone of this issue and how the secret behind the locked door was so present and ominous. A wonderfully intense and spine chilling story with a fantastic reveal.
The Art: Forstner and Rodriguez deliver amazing art throughout the issue. I love the style of this series and how it tells a horror story with the style of a classic animated feature.