Far Sector #11
DC Comics
Written by N.K. Jemisin
Art by Jamal Campbell
Letters by Deron Bennett
The Rundown: Jo and her allies storm the capital to stop a rogue leader from denying her people their rights.

The referendum continues to be voted on, but more and more citizens are finding it difficult to vote as new rules, delays and outright suppression force people from the polls at record numbers. With things getting more dire by the minute, Jo, Peace Accountant Syzn and the recently deposed Councilor Marth make their way to the Council chambers to confront the Councilor in charge of this unfolding coup.
When they arrive, Jo realizes that even though Marth is in custody, he still retains a level of power and influence that comes in handy as they make their way into the Council chambers and discover the true scope of their enemies plans. Plans that include a planned invasion of Earth. With limited remaining battery power, Green Lantern Jo Mullein must fight to save a civilization before its too late.
The Story: Jemisin does an excellent job of mixing in real world and real life events into a fictional environment in order to drive a point home. Using voter suppression as a story point is a great idea and further engages the reader. The plot takes some interesting and entertaining twists throughout and I was impressed by the dialogue.
The Art: Campbell delivers some beautiful imagery throughout this issue. The style is perfect for this eclectic group of beings and their alien environment.