Falcon and Winter Soldier #3
Marvel Comics
Written by Derek Landy
Art by Federico Vicentini
Colors by Matt Milla
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Sam and Bucky track the Natural back to his home and find something pretty disturbing.
After having their butts handed to them twice by a highly skilled kid, Bucky and Sam make their way to the kids home to talk to his parents and hopefully, find out who is the other person vying for the role as HYDRA’s new leader. What they find are a couple with a singular obsession; Captain America. Both former Caps connect with the couple and learn more about their current adversary.

After getting his location and changing into something his parents deem appropriate to connect with their son, Falcon and Winter Soldier locate a HYDRA training facility and proceed to get into a brawl with the recruits while trying to convince the Natural to take another path in life. What follows is a reveal that will take both heroes by surprise.
The Story: Derek Landy crafts a fun and entertaining story for Falcon and Winter Soldier. There are a lot of light, comedic moments throughout the issue and while many of them landed, others felt too distracting. The tone of the story is good and the banter between Sam and Bucky is engaging. The weak point in the story is the Natural himself. He never seems to rise above being a caricature of youth culture so nothing about him resonates in the story other than being a thing to track down and potentially stop.
The Art: Federico Vicentini delivers some awesome art in this issue. There is an energy throughout the panels and that energy translates into the fight scenes and their frenetic look.