Fables #154

DC Comics

Written by Bill Willingham

Art by Mark Buckingham

Inks by Steve Leiahola

Colors by Lee Lougheridge

Letters by Todd Klein

The Rundown: Bigby and Snow’s kids continue their adventures as a new face emerges in the woods.

Bigby and Snow’s kids continue their individual adventures in the forest as the animals get together to discuss the new additions to the forest. Unfortunately, their meeting is interrupted by the unexpected arrival of another person in the forest. As the kids find themselves entering new worlds, meeting new mentors and showing dangerous creatures how powerful they are, Jack begins a new adventure.

A new adventure that will transport her from the forest she protects to a new and possibly dangerous world.

The Story: Normally, I enjoy a slow build up in a story because it allows for the characters to grow and evolve. It’s something that makes the story more compelling when the story kicks in. Unfortunately, I’m still waiting for something to happen with this arc and while there are some interesting things happening in the story, this issue doesn’t really do much. It’s not a bad story, but it is forgettable.

The Art: Buckingham delivers some great visuals in the issue. The imagery does a brilliant job of showcasing the comedic elements of the story.

Fables #154



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