711696._SX1280_QL80_TTD_Extermination #5

Marvel Comics

Written by Ed Brisson

Art by Pepe Larraz

Colors by Marte Gracia

Letters by Joe Sabino

How much will the X-Men have to sacrifice to save the future?

Ahab believes that he has killed Cyclops and the future of the X-Men in the process. Unfortunately, it was Mimic who stepped in, sacrificing himself to save the original X-Man. It’s a sacrifice that spurs the rest of the mutants to actions, but they are up against an enemy that is turning the most powerful and ferocious among them into hounds including Logan and Honey Badger.


Young Cable finally manages to convince the original team that it is time for them to return to their own time, but they are reluctant to leave the losing X-Men to the mercy of Ahab and his hounds.

When they finally get going on their trip, Ahab follows. Scott convinces Cable to send them to another time in order to get information the current X-Men need in order to stop Ahab before they go back to the past and make another sacrifice to keep the timeline intact.

There are definitely some hits and misses in this finale. While the endgame that the X-Men employ is fun and has an interesting payoff, there are some moments that stretch credibility at times. Ahab continues to be a hit or miss villain as well because he is all schtick and no substance, but Brisson manages to do enough interesting things with the character to make his presence necessary to move the plot along. The deus ex machina to wrap up the story is flawed, but forgivable because it leads to a more interesting reveal at the end.

The art by Pepe Larraz was amazing and all of the action scenes delivered with impressive visual energy and detail.


Extermination #5




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