Exceptional X-Men #1

Marvel Comics

Written by Eve L. Ewing

Art by Carmen Carnero

Colors by Nolan Woodard

Letters by Joe Sabino

The Rundown: Kitty Pryde tries to live a normal life, but even former X-Men can’t sit on the sidelines for long.

Kitty Pryde is trying to live a normal life in Chicago. After the end of Krakoa, she has no interest in X-Men or adventures of any kind and has found some small level of peace as she questions what they were really fighting for.

When she decides to attend a concert on her night off from work, she finds herself rescuing a young mutant girl. At the same time, Emma Frost is in hiding and looking to find some X-Men to help her.

The Story: Ewing crafts an entertaining first issue that has a great buildup of tension throughout. The story creates some interesting moments for Kitty as well as craft a new and intriguing dynamic for her and the mutants she comes across. I like the quiet tone of the story and how it concentrates on Kitty’s journey before transitioning to Emma and whatever she has planned. I’m excited to see what happens next in this series.

The Art: Carnero delivers wonderful art throughout the issue. The visuals are stunning and I love the vibrant visual style to the characters.

Exceptional X-Men #1



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