Evil Ernie #5
Dynamite Entertainment
Written by Scott Lobdell
Art by Ariel Medel
Colors by Candice Han
Letters by Dave Sharpe
The Rundown: Ernie has to choose between the love of Ernest’s life and the demon who’s plagued him for centuries.

As the love of Ernest’s life falls to her death, Evil Ernie and Ronique celebrate at the top of the dam until something comes over the demon. Something that forces him over the side as Ernest to save Candice. To make things even better, Ernest gets an unexpected assist from button who seems to be into the new turn of events and the chaos that it’s bringing.
In the aftermath, Ernest taps into the power of Ernie to defend Candice against Ronique who tries to seduce him and Ernie decides to change his fortunes. A move that will create a new and exciting life for both Ernie and Ernest.
The Story: Lobdell brings this story to a satisfying and fun conclusion filled with great action, energy and charm. The characters have great dialogue to utilize and the story has some great twists and turns that build on the momentum created in the first issue. I like the changes in the character of Ernie and the way the issue ends makes me excited to see what comes next for the character.
The Art: Medel delivers some fantastic, fun and beautifully detailed art to the issue. The style of the art is perfect for the over the top nature of the character and the wonderfully subversive nature of the character’s world. Medel captures that brilliantly in the panels.