Episode 25 of the Super Powered Fancast is about comics. This week I talk about a couple of small pieves of comic book news that might have lost in the wake of the juggernaut that is Dark Nights Metal from DC Comics. I talk about the return of Black Lightning by the original writer and a Hellboy spin-off about Rasputin. I also get to talk to indie comic book writer Todd Black about his new project 10,000 Miles, a graphic novel he’s funding through Kickstarter that I think is worthy of completion. As always, let me know what you think by rating and reviewing the pod or contact me at superpoweredfancast@gmail.com , visit the website www.superpoweredfancast.com, follow me on Twitter @superpoweredfan or find me on Geeks WorldWide www.thegww.com, You can find Todd’s kickstarter at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/blackmagicwolf/10000-miles-a-childrens-book-graphic-novel-adventu
Intro music “Achieve Your Goals” by Scott Holmes
“Todd Black is an indie comics writer who loves to tell stories. He’s already written two series with Guardians and Home, and hopes to expand his comic name through 10,000 Miles and other projects. His dream is to work with other publishers such as DC Comics and Marvel one day.”
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New Indie Comic 10,000 Miles is a Great Story that Needs You - The Super Powered Fancast
August 21, 2017 - 11:48 pm[…] go to Todd’s Kickstarter page and check it out for yourself. Listen to the latest episode of Super Powered Fancast where Todd and I discuss the book as well as his love of the craft and his desire to pay it forward […]