715942._SX1280_QL80_TTD_Elvira Mistress of the Dark #5

Dynamite Entertainment

Written by David Avallone

Art by Dave Acosta

Colors by Ellie Wright

Letters by Taylor Esposito

Elvira follows Faust back to his home and finds herself being confronted by a very drunk Helen of Troy. Things get worse for the Mistress of the Dark when she realizes that their unhappy home happens to be right in the middle of Hell itself.


In an attempt to get back to the real world, she gets Faust to call on Mephistopheles for help. The demon is familiar with Elvira’s plight and admires that she isn’t afraid. He tells her that only Lucifer himself can send her back and so her journey begins. Elvira must traverse the levels of hell in order to find the first of the fallen and convince him to send her back. After getting a ride from the undead ferryman, she finds herself confronted by a familiar face as they make their way to the realm of the lord of darkness himself.

As high as the stakes are for the character, David Avallone is masterful at making sure both the tension and the humor work together. The dialogue is fast and fun with the wit of the character coming through in every interaction. Avallone takes the best aspects of Elvira as a character and puts them front and center for the reader to enjoy. The story is paced well, the humor works and the journey Elvira is on is interesting enough to make me want to see where it goes next.

Dave Acosta’s art is fantastic and everything from the characters to the impressively detailed backgrounds looks amazing.

Elvira Mistress of the Dark #5




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