Eat The Rich #5
Boom! Studios
Written by Sarah Gailey
Art by Pius Bak
Colors by Roman Titov
Letters by Cardinal Rae
The Rundown: Joey must decide her future while dealing with her insatiable hunger.

After running from her life from her boyfriend’s father, Joey finds herself standing in a crowd of people as Astor reveals an engagement ring. Bleeding and shocked, Joey doesn’t know what to do until Astor’s mother arrives and promptly sedates the scared woman. When she wakes up, she finds herself alone with Astor and unable to move. Astor decides to give Joey her options and neither one of them is appealing given recent events.
As she attempts to get her limbs to move, she sees the truth about Astor. As she continues to struggle, Astor reveals that it’s not just him she would have to worry about, it would be everyone in Crestfall Bluffs. Everyone who has been keeping the dark secret of their world safe for generations. He also reveals just how deep and how broad his world’s appetites and power goes. When Joey makes her decision, her escape from the Bluffs will require help from the only person she can trust.
The Story: Gailey brings this story to a bloody, violent and brilliant conclusion. The conflict with Joey is handled perfectly and the twists in the story are wonderful. I didn’t know where the story was going and the surprises kept me engaged in both the tension and the resolution. I love how this story unfolded and would love to revisit this world again.
The Art: Bak delivers some impressive and beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. The action is gorgeous and the style of the art is perfect for the tone of the story.