Duo #1
DC Comics
Written by Greg Pak
Art by Khoi Pham
Inks by Scott Hanna
Colors by Chris Sotomayor
Letters by Janice Chiang
The Rundown: After a deadly incident, Drs. David Kim and Kelly Vu join forces in an unexpected manner.

David and Kelly spend romantic time together at their home in San Francisco. Then, they head to Healerist Industries and have an encounter with the homeless en route. After discussing their latest research, the pair propose something radical. Later, David and Kelly are at home when an altercation with something mysterious leads to a tragedy. Soon, David must face a harsh truth. Still reeling from his current situation, David has a run in with monsters and makes a surprising discovery. Elsewhere, Dr. Marius Chung contacts his peers.
The Story: Pak has created an interesting origin story for an unusual superhero pairing. This chapter does a nice job setting up conflict and introducing the leading heroes and villains. While the superhero concept presented is not new, there are many different ways it can be handled. For instance, I am very interested in the relationships between characters and their individual narratives, and I would like to see how Drs Kim and Vu handle their new normal. Overall, I feel that the series is promising and has lots of potential. I look forward to future issues.
The Art: The illustrations in this issue are done in a modern styling and relies heavily on detailed artwork and suitable coloring to capture tone and emotion. The action scenes are well done and there are some legitimately frightening moments that are visually engaging. I also really liked the way Duo’s personality conflict was handled. I felt the artwork perfectly complimented the tale.