STL127437Doom Patrol Weight of the Worlds #2

DC Comics/ DC’s Young Animal

Written by Gerard Way and Jeremy Lambert

Art by James Harvey

The Rundown: The adventures of the Doom Patrol get weirder and weirder as their trip through Dannyland will result in a celestial divorce case and the emergence of a new Larry.

The team has found Cliff, or what’s left of him, and managed to put his brain into a new body with the help of Keeg. It’s not the end of the world for Cliff as his new body comes with built in upgrades that will emerge whenever he does something good. Unfortunately, Cliff is not the biggest priority for the Doom Patrol.


Larry has no more room for Keeg because he has been filled with positive energy. That energy escapes and the rest of the team has to hunt it down before it can do any harm. Their hunt gets cut short when Rita calls the team back so they can help a couple of warring planets find an amicable space divorce.

The Story: Gerard Way and Jeremy Lambert continue to keep the story weird and interesting in equal measure with this issue. While it could be difficult for new readers to easily come on board this series in its current iteration, it is worth checking out for the sheer insanity and originality of the plot. The dialogue is fantastic and everything about this issue is fun and filled with interesting and unique moments that cannot be predicted.

The Art: James Harvey delivers some amazingly strange and beautiful art throughout this issue. All of the visuals are beautiful and captivating.

Doom Patrol Weight of the Worlds #2




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