In the first issue of the “Thanos Wins” storyline running in the Mad Titans comic series, readers were introduced to a new Ghost Rider who we discovered later to be another Marvel hero.
In July, Cates will write a five issue limited series about the character titled Cosmic Ghost Rider with art by Dylan Burnett. Cosmic Ghost Rider is the future incarnation of The Punisher aka Frank Castle. After Castle’s death, he makes a demonic deal that brings him back as the spirit of vengeance. he became a herald of Galactus before finding himself in the employ of Thanos.
According to a statement from Cates, “It’s honestly pretty overwhelming how much the Marvel fans have embraced this crazy character, and I’m having so much fun continuing the Rider’s insane story! If you thought ‘Thanos Wins’ was wild…you just wait to see what we have planned for everyone’s new favorite space lunatic!”
Cosmic Ghost Rider will be available Digitally and in your local Comic Book Store July 4th.