Doctor Strange #2
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Pasqual Ferry
Colors by Matt Hollingsworth
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Clea and Stephen come to the aid of a young girl with a dangerous secret.

Parents seek out help from Moon Knight when their daughter cannot wake up. He brings in Clea and Stephen Strange to help. After a tense moment between Marc and Strange, the couple enter the child’s mind to help her and find that her astral form is in the world of Nightmare.
After finding the lord of that world and fighting off their own fears, Stephen and Clea go deeper and discover that the child is part of something bigger, more dangerous and growing.
The Story: MacKay continues to craft a fun, entertaining and endearing story for both Stephen and Clea in this issue. I love the banter between the two and the evolution of their relationship is one of the reasons I came back to the character. The inclusion of Moon Knight was interesting as well and I love that the story is building the mystery within it as well as showing Clea keeping secrets from her husband.
The Art: Ferry delivers some beautiful imagery in the issue. The nightmare realm is brilliantly strange and visually unique.