Doctor Strange #18
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Pasqual Ferry
Colors by Heather Moore
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Stephen Strange deals with the loss of his position and plots how he can get it back.

In the wake of the Blood Hunt, Stephen Strange has turned over the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme to Victor Von Doom. An act whose ramifications he cannot imagine. Unfortunately, that loss also gives his enemies, including Mordo the confidence to strike at him in his home. Fortunately for Stephen, he is not alone.
As Strange ponders the choice he made and attempts to confront Doom, he makes dark plans to release something that could return what he’s lost, but an unexpected meeting will make him see things differently and he will be confronted by someone who pledges to stand by his side.
The Story: MacKay crafts a story that is brilliantly emotional as Strange deals with the loss of his position and all of the other losses he has suffered recently. Personal losses that lead to a desperation that is not often seen in the character. Everything culminates in a wonderful moment between him and Clea that solidifies everything that I enjoy about them as a couple. It’s a great personal story that ends on an interesting and unexpected note.
The Art: Ferry continues to create some beautiful art in this issue and the series as a whole. There is a lilting magical quality to the art throughout which makes it perfect for this character and his world.