Doctor Strange #14
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Pasqual Ferry
Colors by Heather Moore
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Strange and his team take on Mordo and the power of a dangerous book.

Strange and his team have entered the fantasy world created from the Cobolorum and discovered that the fantasy game is being controlled by Mordo. As they confront the wizard, he unleashes a giant dragon that splits the team up with Strange fighting the dragon and the rest of the team being transported deeper into the story.
As Hunter’s Moon finds himself facing off against Taskmaster, Black Cat has disappeared. Strange confronts the dragon and discovers it has a deeper connection to the mind behind the book. A mind that needs something Strange could provide if only Mordo wasn’t in control.
The Story: MacKay crafts a fun, thrilling and entertaining adventure in this issue. The story is filled with great action and some fun character moments. The story is incredibly clever and has a fantastic end for the arc that not only satisfies the reader, but acts as a great segue into the next arc coming up.
The Art: Ferry delivers some great art in the issue. The visuals are fun, vibrant and filled with great details.
1 Comment
Allen Francis
April 9, 2024 - 8:08 pmMacKay is doing too much, this series does not suit him.