Frank Miller’s iconic graphic novel series garnered two feature films; Sin City and its sequel Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. The series itself received acclaim from both critics and fans alike. It’s been announced that The Weinstein Company and Dimension are looking to reboot Sin City as a television series and they’ve brought in some impressive talent behind the camera to usher in this new series.
Writer and showrunner Glen Mazzara is being brought in to oversee the new series, which will more closely follow the graphic novels. Mazzara is a television veteran with credits that include The Shield and The Walking Dead. Underworld director Len Weisman will direct the series. Weisman’s television credits include Lucifer and Sleepy Hollow. Weisman will also serve as producer along with Frank Miller and the Weinstein brothers.
The series is expected to focus on original characters within the Sin City world, so don’t expect appearances from Marv, Gail or Nancy anytime soon. Networks are already circling the project and I will update you with any new information.
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