DIE #18
Image Comics
Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Stephanie Hans
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: The party make their way deeper into DIE and secrets are revealed.

Ash recalls the years after the teens returned from their first trip to Die and those memories come with regret for a decision that doomed Sol to the undead life he now leads. As the party moves deeper into the depths of the world, their silence is punctuated by Ash’s regrets and the thoughts of why she made the decision that she made.
As they move deeper, they discover a journal that Sol left behind. A journey that chronicles his pain and anguish after his friends left him behind and what the world turned him into. As more secrets are revealed, Ash discovers that she might more dangerous to her friends than she believed.
The Story: Gillen has done such a brilliant job crafting the world of this story that one can almost forget the world these characters come from and it was great to see one of those moments reflected in the story. There is so much sadness in this story and both the sadness and regret of Ash makes for great drama that gives the characters more meaning and purpose. This continues to be a compelling, entertaining and thoroughly engrossing series and this issue is no different. Everything from the introspection to the quiet, ominous nature of the plot works.
The Art: Hans art is truly transcendent. There are so many beautiful visuals throughout this issue that I found myself going over pages just to take in the grandeur and scale of the art.