Dick Tracy #5

Mad Cave Studios

Written by Alex Segura and Michael Moreci

Art by Geraldo Borges

Colors by Mrk Englert

Letters by Jim Campbell

The Rundown: Tracy uncovers corruption in his very ranks as Big Boy Caprice makes a dangerous play.

Tracy confronts the chief of police after being brought in and finds himself arrested. While he and Pat are being taken to lockup, Tracy discovers that’s not their destination and a last minute save from Tess puts them squarely in the sights of corrupt police officers. After finding a way to escape, Tracy decides to get justice.

After confronting the corrupt chief, Tracy goes on a mission to stop Flat Top and others from killing Lips Manlis before turning his attention on the man behind the curtain pulling everyone’s strings, Big Boy Caprice.

The Story: I loved the gritty, detective noir tone and style of this issue. All the threads and events play out perfectly mixed with great action and thrills. A fun, thrilling and thoroughly entertaining story from start to finish. Segura and Moreci are setting up some great moments for Tracy and the other characters while crafting Big Boy Caprice to be a significant and interesting villain. I look forward to seeing how this series plays out those complicated relationships.

The Art: Borges delivers some great art throughout the issue. I loved the action and how stylish the imagery was including the dramatic angles that ramp up the tension of every moment.

Dick Tracy #5



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