Detective Comics #1054
DC Comics
Written by Mariko Tamaki
Art by Max Raynor
Colors by Luis Guerrero
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: The opening of Arkham Tower will lead to a massacre if the Bat Family can’t stop it.

Below the streets of the city, the Party Crashers have the Bat Family pinned down. While Barbara tries to contact Nightwing, the others take to the shadows to stop the threat. At the same time, Mayor Nakano is attending a party to celebrate the opening of Arkham Tower while Wear continues to deal with his issues with both the Party Crashers and Penguin.
With things continuing to fall apart, Psycho Pirate has captured Nightwing while the remaining Party Crashers decide to send Wear a message. With all of the pieces firmly on the board, the game takes a dramatic turn when the additional people at the ceremony become too much for Psycho Pirate to control and his hold over the patients of Arkham Tower fails.
The Story: Tamaki brings all of the story elements together as the events that opened the arc begin to come into focus. The story is brilliantly paced and filled with tension as the hold on the patients continues to fade. I love seeing the converging dangers to Wear come together with the Penguin and the Party Crashers making their moves. I love the mystery of the story and the how great Tamaki is at setting a scene.
The Art: Raynor delivers some fantastic visuals in the issue. The action is thrilling and the tension is brought forth with some wonderfully detailed imagery.