Detective Comics #1053
DC Comics
Written by Mariko Tamaki
Art by Max Raynor
Colors by Luis Guerrero
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: Nightwing makes a discovery in the tower while the Family is under siege.

In the wake of the Bat-Family taking out the Party Crashers and their underground lair, the gang is sent before a judge to plea. At the same time, Wear’s world continues to crumble as he is forced to bail out his allies and borrow money from Penguin when he doesn’t get the funding he’s looking for from the mayor. When the Crashers confront him, he makes another deal. One that will put a potential witness in danger.
At the tower, Nightwing continues to investigate what happened and discovers a connection between a patient in the infirmary and Huntress. One that will lead him to discover that Psycho Pirate is behind the behavior of the inmates. At the same time, the released Crashers find the location of the sewer base and attack.
The Story: Tamaki continues to craft a fun and entertaining mystery throughout this series and this issue is no different. The story elements continue to be compelling. Dr. Wear’s descent and his issues with the underworld continue to be great, tension filled moments. The unfolding of the mystery is wonderfully done and keeps the reader engaged.
The Art: Raynor delivers some awesome imagery in this issue. The action is lively and full of energy. There are some beautifully detailed panels on every page.