Detective Comics #1048
Written by Mariko Tamaki
Art by Ivan Reis
Inks by Danny Miki
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: A member of the Bat Family attempts to infiltrate Arkham Tower and we learn more about its new administrator.

Young Tobias Wear is brought to Arkham Asylum while his mother gets the help that she needs. At the same time, Harriet tries to council the boy on what he witnessed in his home. Now the head of Arkham Tower, Wear is interviewing a new recruit to the facility. A new recruit who happens to be a member of the Bat Family in disguise. After taking her to the ward where the worst are kept, she is surprised to discover them walking around seemingly fine as Dr. Wear shows off what he’s managed to create.
In the aftermath of their meeting Chase Meridian arrives with questions about the facility and a strange smell the patients seems to be talking about. Oracle meets with her contact in the new Bat-Cave and the two compare notes while the dark history of Tobias Wear continues to be revealed.
The Story: Tamaki continues to craft a great mystery in this series. The arc does a wonderful job of creating complex and interesting characters throughout and the plot is very engaging. There is a great mystery at the heart of this story and it is bolstered by strong writing and characters that keep the reader invested.
The Art: Ivan Reis delivers some awesome visuals in this issue. I love the intercut between the seemingly banal nature of the patients and the violent reality of the things they’ve actually done.