Detective Comics #1047
DC Comics
Written by Mariko Tamaki
Art by Ivan Reis
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: Arkham Tower opens in the middle of Gotham City and immediately starts living up to its namesake.

In the aftermath of the destruction of Arkham Asylum, Dr. Wear holds a press conference to announce the opening of the newly built Arkham Tower in the middle of Gotham City. To show the press and the mayor the virtues of the new treatments Arkham will offer, Wear brings a dangerous criminal onto the stage. One that Mayor Nakano knows all too well. Also in the audience is someone Nakano wants as his eyes and ears in the facility, Dr. Chase Meridian.
Deb Donovan meets with Kate Kane to discuss her thoughts on the new facility and Kate reveals that there might be a connection between a local gang and the drugs that the tower is using for their treatments. Things quickly get out of control later when the Tower is on lock down with a dangerous inmate on the loose and Oracle trying to find someone in the Bat-Family that is on the scene. With the situation going south fast, Oracle and the others need to find a way to rescue the civilians and stop a growing threat within the Tower’s walls.
The Story: Tamaki is crafting an entertaining and intense story in this issue. The plot does really well connecting the reader to the characters and the stakes of the story. The story is filled with great tension and I really enjoyed the tonal shift the story took. It didn’t waste time getting to the action and it moved so well that I felt a part of it as the tension continued to rise.
The Art: Reis delivers some fantastic art filled with great details on every page Anderson’s colors really help deliver the beauty of the panels.