Detective Comics #1044
DC Comics
Written by Mariko Tamaki
Art by Dan Mora
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Batman has to find the Mayor before the sewers collapse on top of them and Nakano discovers a nest of parasites ready to hatch.

Deb Donovan is chasing a story about the city sewers and her hunch might have a connection with the current troubles in the city. At the same time, Batman is in the sewers looking for Mayor Nakano who happens to have stumbled upon a nest of parasites. At city hall, the team that attacked the Mayor and have taken over the building get a strange visitor. A visitor who turns out to be someone none of them expected.
Beneath the city, Batman realizes that Vile’s parasites still exist and he needs to act fast to get to the mayor. Unfortunately, the man is resistant to the help given their shared history. When the Vile parasites begin to hatch and attack Nakano, Batman has to risk both a cave in and their lives to get to the man. When he finds him, the risks only get larger when Batman has to do something desperate to save the man from infection.
The Story: Tamaki crafts an intense and thrilling story in this issue. The plot is paced beautifully to showcase the corruption within the city as well as the hunt for the mayor. I also enjoyed the fact that Batman has to confront a man he’s trying to rescue who doesn’t see him as a hero. It’s going to make the drama that much more intense given what Batman has to do to rescue the man in the story. I love the cliffhanger ending and look forward to what comes next.
The Art: Dan Mora continues to be one of my favorite artists because of the beautiful details throughout the issue as well as the way the panels are composed. Mora captures the tension of the story as well as the intense action of the moment.