Detective Comics #1040
DC Comics
Written by Mariko Tamaki
Art by Dan Mora
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Bruce Wayne is in jail as forces continue to conspire against him in Gotham.

In order to call of some of the heat coming towards both him and his alter ego, Bruce Wayne decides to turn himself into the local police precinct. After being placed in a cell for the weekend with drunks and others, he finds himself being outed by an alcoholic who knows more about him than he thought.
At the same time, Barbara works the case to find the means of getting Bruce released. Worth and Penguin begin the next phase of their plan to bring down Bruce Wayne, but it will require a new villain designed to bring down the Batman first.
The Story: Tamaki continues to craft a compelling and entertaining story for Batman in this issue. There are a lot of moving parts within the plot and Tamaki does an excellent job of making each part as compelling as the last. I liked the flashback and how it plays into both Bruce as a character as well as Batman’s effect on the citizens of the city. There is a dark tone to the story and everything in it seems to be moving towards something really dark for the character. Something I find myself more and more interested in experiencing as a reader.
The Art: Dan Mora has an impressive and beautifully detailed style that is both thrilling with its action and immersive in its human moments. I love the way this story unfolds visually and how the art is expressive, commanding and engaging.