Defenders of the Earth #4
Mad Cave Studios
Written by Dan DiDio
Art by J. Calafiore
Colors by Juancho!
Letters by Carlos M. Mangual
The Rundown: Flash and his son fight to escape a growing conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of the government.
Rick is about to be executed by the ice men and gets rescued by his estranged father Flash Gordon. As the two make their escape, Rick discovers that his father knows about the AI that has the personality of his mother Dale Arden. As they make their way back to Flash’s office, Rick continues to try to convince him that Kro-Tan is behind the ice men attack.
After contacting Mandrake, the pair makes their way to his home to get him and Phantom together so they can compare notes and Mandrake returns something Flash could use as the group escapes and heads to Africa. At the same time, Kro-Tan moves into the next phase of his plan while keeping a familiar face captured.
The Story: Things are starting to kick into gear with some great action and thrills throughout this issue. There is a wonderful immediacy to the action in the story. I like how DiDio is building and crafting the world of this story. It continues to be a fun, interesting ride for fans of the characters and I really enjoyed the twist at the end of the issue.
The Art: Calafiore delivers some great art throughout the issue. The story is filled with action and the art reflects that with some great detailed visual moments.