Death Ratio’d One-Shot

AWA Studios

Written by Mark Russell

Art by Laci

Colors by Marco Lesko

Letters by Sal Cipriano

The Rundown: A man wakes up from a coma to a social media controlled future.

Arnold has been in a coma for twenty years. After finally waking up, he discovers from his doctor that he lives a new world post social media war. A world where likes determine your status and fate while dislikes can lead to your death.

Arnold discovers the hard way that almost everything he does or says can possibly lead to the collar around his neck exploding and when he discovers an old friend is still alive, he finds another new world beneath the surface. One that is just as dangerous.

The Story: Russell crafts a modern day nightmare in a futuristic setting. The story crafts an interesting and entertaining balance between nightmare fuel and blistering satire. It is an incredibly fun adventure full of great moments and an intense story that is brilliantly crafted and compelling.

The Art: Laci delivers beautifully detailed art that perfectly captures the dark dystopian future being created in the story. The imagery is immersive and caught my attention.

Death Ratio’d One-Shot



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