DCeased Dead Planet #6
DC Comics
Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Trevor Hairsine
Inks by Gigi Baldassini and Tom Derenick
Colors by Rain Beredo
Letters by Saida Temofonte
The Rundown: The opposing forces of the living begin their plans to stop the unliving as more threats emerge.
With the potential for a cure on the horizon, Batman decides to go to Swamp Thing for help in creating a cure for the world. At the same time, Penguin continues to pressure Ivo about the state of their Amazo Army. Damian will find a unique way of getting them the knowledge they need. A solution that will require linking the minds of hero and villain alike in an attempt to find a way to make the cure a reality.

Both the plans are ready and Ivo releases his army to wipe out every unliving being on the face of the planet as Cyborg and Mister Miracle find out that the cure will actually work. To make matters worse, the increasing death and destruction on the planet brings forth Trigon and Constantine enlists the help of the remaining magical community to fight another threat to all life on the planet.
The Story: An interesting and entertaining issue. Tom Taylor takes the story in new and intriguing directions. The story is solid and the contrast between both the fight for a cure and unleashing the Amazo army is well done. I really enjoy the character focus of this story and how many emotional turns it takes issue to issue. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
The Art: Trevor Hairsine delivers some beautiful art throughout the issue. So many of the pages and panels are filled with beautiful details in the characters and the action. A great looking issue with some awesome imagery.