Today, DC revealed cover art and an interior preview of an upcoming comic book series, Trinity: Daughter of Wonder Womanby artist Belén Ortega and writer Tom King, that teams up Wonder Woman’s daughter Trinity with Wonder Woman’s daughter Trinity…and Wonder Woman’s daughter Trinity! There’s time travel and corgis involved, so prepare for a Crisis of Infinite Corgis!

Back by popular demand and now with her own miniseries…Trinity! It all begins when the daughter of Wonder Woman embarks on her most dangerous adventure yet to enter the timeline to find her father. As the young hero knows, messing with time has its consequences, but that doesn’t mean she learned her lesson the first time. Things are about to get ruff and the Super Sons have gone to the dogs.

Trinity: Daughter of Wonder Woman by Tom King, Belén Ortega, Tamra Bonvillain and Clayton Cowles is a six-issue miniseries launching on June 11, 2025. The main cover of the debut issue is by Belén Ortega, supported by variant covers by David Talaski, Dan Mora, Leirix, Dan Hipp and Tirso.

The story so far has run as backup shorts in DC’s main Wonder Woman comic book series and has been collected in DC’s Trinity Special #1 and Trinity Special: World’s Finest #1. In addition to Wonder Woman’s daughter Trinity (aka Lizzie Prince), the series stars Jon Kent and Damian Wayne as Lizzie’s babysitters, and both of the Super Sons as corgis. It’s comics!

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