DC All IN Special #1

DC Comics

Written by Joshua Williamson and Scott Snyder

Art by Daniel Sampere, Dan Mora and Wes Craig

Colors by Alejandro Sanchez, Tamra Bonvillain and Mike Spicer

Letters by Steve Wands

The Rundown: The Justice League begins a new chapter while an old enemy attempts to write one of his own.


In the wake of Waller’s attempt to destroy them, the Justice League not only reforms, but expands. As heroes are given access to the new League, Superman decides to pay Booster Gold a visit and deliver his membership personally. As the heroes gather at the new Watchtower, they commit to being a force for change in the world before an incursion by Darkseid changes everything. An incursion that will lead to a dark revelation about their old enemy as well as his new purpose when Booster discovers he might be the only one that can discover what Darkseid’s plans are.

The first part of this story is beautifully done. Snyder and Williamson deliver some great character moments and a renewed sense of hope in these heroes and their mission. I love that they are diving head first into Justice League Unlimited territory unapologetically. The interactions between Superman and Booster Gold are great and I love the hopeful vibe of this part of the story. It makes what comes next even more intriguing and thrilling.


As the heroes of Earth deal with Waller’s attacks on them and their powers, Darkseid grows uneasy and restless knowing something is wrong. A new obsession overtakes him and he not only rejects his throne on Apokalips and his family, he cuts a swath of destruction across multiple realms until he finds the being he is searching for, the Spectre. After bonding with the entity and seemingly destroying any resistance, Darkseid prepares to engage the final threat to his new plan, the Justice League. A plan that will bring him to a new place in the universe and a new darker beginning.

Williamson and Snyder craft a fantastic story for Darkseid in this part of the story. It is beautifully dark and thrilling and I love the art and its gritty visual style. It is perfect for this story and a wonderful contrast to the beautifully clean art of the Alpha story.

DC All In Special #1



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