Dark Ride #11
Image Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Andrei Bressan
Colors by Adriano Lucas
Letters by Pat Brosseau
The Rundown: Sam finds his daughter and faces his greatest fear.

While Halloween continues to hold Summer prisoner, an announcement in the park throws everything into chaos. An announcement that Halloween dreads as her brother Sam continues his dark journey through one of the rides to find his daughter.
As Sam journeys through the depths of the attraction, he is trapped and confronted with his greatest fears. As his personal fears come to life, Sam must find a way to overcome them and save his daughter as his father prepares to unveil his latest attraction to the world.
The Story: Williamson continues to craft a fantastic world in this issue and ramps up the tension and terror. I like seeing the story expand on and concentrate on Sam by having him face both his father and his own personal failings. The story takes some dark turns throughout and comes together with a dark cliffhanger that makes me want to read more.
The Art: Bressan delivers some beautifully detailed art that perfectly captures the dark and horrific elements of the story.