Dark Nights Death Metal Trinity Crisis #1

DC Comics

Written by Scott Snyder

Art by Francis Manapul

Colors by Ian Herring

Letters by Tom Napolitano

The Rundown: Diana and the rescued heroes put her plan into action to stop the Crises fueling Perpetua.

With the knowledge that Crisis energy is what’s fueling Perpetua’s destruction of the multiverse, Diana discovers that there are three worlds where the greatest crises they have ever faced not only still exist, but continue to happen over and over again.

With a plan to stop those crises and cut off Perpetua’s energy supply, the heroes must travel to Castle Bat to access the three worlds, but they will be met by a new series of nightmare Batmen and an even bigger surprise when they reach the worlds to discover things have unfolded differently than they remember.

The Story: Once again Scott Snyder takes the reader on an emotional roller coaster with this tale. Not only is the story engaging and the plot intriguing, but Snyder adds enough twists, turns and surprises throughout to thrill the reader. The story starts hopefully and it hinges on the perseverance, tenacity and skill of these heroes who we have been rooting for in this series. Snyder captures everything we love about the Trinity and gives the reader great action beats and character moments including the introduction of new nightmarish versions of Batman and the return of The Robin King. What follows is a surprising finale that makes everything uncertain as it draws you in to see what happens next.

The Art: Francis Manapul does an amazing job of bringing this story to life visually with great art throughout. Not only are the characters dynamic and the action thrilling, but Manapul’s style hits all the emotional marks Snyder is going for in the story.

Dark Nights Death Metal Trinity Crisis #1




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