Dark Nights Death Metal #6
DC Comics
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Greg Capullo
Inks by Jonathan Glapion
Colors by FCO Plascencia
Letters by Tom Napolitano
The Rundown: It’s the final battle for the fate of the multiverse and the forces of earth will find the a steep mountain to climb for victory.
The remaining heroes and villains of the multiverse gather on the field of battle to face the advancing hordes of the Batman Who Laughs. With the odds against them and everything on the line, the final battle begins with Batman calling in an unexpected ally with the power of the Black Lantern ring. At the same time, Perpetua finds herself losing against her former partner and tries to make a deal with the Batman Who Laughs, but the villain isn’t looking to deal, he’s looking to win.

While the battle rages both on the earth and in the heavens, Diana and Lobo travel through the depths to find the world forge and use Lex’s journal to create a machine that will help them win. Unfortunately, an attack brings her to her destination and right into the presence of one of Earth’s greatest enemies. When a shift in the battle brings the Batman Who Laughs back to face the forces of Earth, Diana discovers something that might save them all.
The Story: An uplifting, inspiring call to action from Scott Snyder. The story is emotionally charged from start to finish. The characters are well done and dynamic. There is a real sense of passion and high stakes in this issue and Snyder manages to craft a story that play to the heroic nature of both these characters and ourselves as readers and fans. There are messages about truth and how everything matters that resonate with fans and reminds us how interesting this world and these characters continue to be. I cannot wait for the finale and Snyder makes that wait almost impossible with a brilliant cliffhanger.
The Art: Greg Capullo’s art and style shine on every page of this issue. There is beautiful, detailed imagery throughout every page and I found myself re-reading entire passages to marvel at the background action and characters. A truly impressive visual triumph.