Dark Ages #2

Marvel Comics

Written by Tom Taylor

Art by Iban Coello

Colors by Brian Reber

Letters by VC’s Joe Sabino

The Rundown: A new threat emerges in an ever evolving world.

The story opens seven years after the events of the previous issue. The role of both heroes and villains in the new world is briefly discussed. As well as the tragic events that led up to their actions. Spiderman narrates the events and Peter Parker has a discussion with his daughter. Elsewhere Captain America and Tony Stark have an interesting conversation. Then, after a meeting with Apocalypse, Tony finds himself in an unexpected position and discovers a sinister plan.

The Story: Taylor’s second entry in this series is filled with promise. I enjoyed the breakdown of how society changed after the tragic events of the past. I also found this narrative to be an interesting commentary on the effects of modernity. The true villain in this story is technology and greed. And it will be interesting to see how the desire for mechanical advancement will impact the perceived Utopia that has been established.

The Art: Coello and Reber have craft an action packed issue using a modern illustration style. The drawings are extremely detailed and feature bold, realistic coloring. The tone of the story is perfectly captured and I felt completely transported with the turn of each page.

Dark Ages #2



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