Daredevil #610

Marvel Comics

Written by Charles Soule

Art by Phil Noto

Letters by Clayton Cowles

Matt Murdock finds Elektra in his home. The next morning, as she is about to leave him, he stops her and asks her to stay. Making another bold and impulsive choice, he decides to bring her into the fold and introduce her to the team he’s assembled to prove that Fisk rigged the election to become mayor of New York. Despite objections, he convinces them that Elektra is an asset they need to take advantage of especially considering their target, John Wesley.

After planning everything to the last detail, everything goes to hell and they find themselves on the run from Wesley’s bodyguards. After losing them and attempting to get away with Wesley, they are attacked by the figure who went after Matt in the last issue. Calling himself The Vigil, he effectively fights both Daredevil and Elektra in an abandoned church before performing an act that complicates things even more for Matt.

I really enjoyed the pace of this issue and this story overall. There are some great moments between Matt and Elektra and Soule gives the character moments to reflect on his life and the mistakes he’s made with the women he cares about. It goes a long way towards following the theme of this arc. The dialogue was immensely enjoyable and all of the characters are given moments to shine in this story.

Phil Noto’s art is amazing. I love the shift in tone between the first few panels with Elektra and the details in the chase sequence. Noto does a great job of moving the reader’s eye from one dynamic panel to another. Can’t wait to see what happens next.

Daredevil #610




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