Daredevil #5
Marvel Comics
Written by Saladin Ahmed
Art by Farid Karami
Colors by Jesus Aburtov
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Matt gets a visit from an old friend and discovers the bigger mystery plaguing him and his new life.

Father Matt has decided to get something for the kids at St. Nicholas’ when an old friend arrives who knows that he is not dead. An old friend named Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk. Jennifer has some information about who has been targeting Matt and the youth home and she will trade it if he joins her for lunch.
As the pair catch up and enjoy the food, Matt begins to realize that something is wrong with Jennifer. As their journey through the city stops at more food locations and Jennifer’s appetite not abating at all, Matt realizes his friend could be possessed by one of the demons hunting him in his new life.
The Story: I continue to enjoy the story arc of Matt taking on the seven deadly sins and this issue has an interesting and entertaining mixture of suspense and humor within it. I like the dynamic between Matt and Jennifer in this issue and how the story centers on that dynamic to focus its action and adventure. An enjoyable issue that culminates in a great cliffhanger that teases an interesting team up.
The Art: Karami’s art style is dynamic and lends itself well to the tone of the story. While the imagery was beautifully detailed, it was confining at times because of the panel structure. With She-Hulk in the comic, the panels could have been more expansive and freer, but they felt like they were containing the character rather than showcasing her.