Daredevil #17
Marvel Comics
Written by Saladin Ahmed
Art by Aaron Kuder
Colors by Jesus Aburtov
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Matt realizes taking on Wrath is harder than he thought as more trouble comes for his other life.

Daredevil finds himself fighting against Wrath who still holds the body of Jason, a boy from Matt’s orphanage. As Matt realizes that fighting Wrath is getting him nowhere, the entity leaves and Matt finds himself facing the fact that he doesn’t know what to do next.
After spending time fighting crime, Daredevil decides to return to the orphanage to tell the kids the truth, but receives more pressing news regarding his old friend Foggy, his vendetta against the orphanage and a missing Cole. Things Daredevil needs to investigate, but become more complicated when he learns something has been manipulating the system to give him back his license to practice law.
The Story: Ahmed crafts an entertaining story in this issue. While the previous issue had some problems with pacing for me, this one takes a more nuanced approach to the drama in the story and it works better to balance the two worlds at conflict within Matt. I really enjoyed the rise in tension throughout the story and the issue ends on a cliffhanger that makes me excited to come back and see what happens next.
The Art: Kuder delivers some great art throughout the issue. I really enjoy the character designs and the vibrancy of the action throughout the issue.